Tuesday, February 03, 2009


After months of reading about 'snow days' on other people's blogs, we finally got one yesterday! First time in 20 years...

Well sort of a snow day. My first mistake was trying to battle in to work, instead of pulling up the duvet. After two hours of trying, I admitted defeat and trudged back. My DH is made of stern stuff, and ultimately did make it to work, but as it took him four hours, it was nearly time to come back again. I did have to work from home, but at least it was a change of scenery (literally) for a day.

The broadband supplier managed to destroy our connection for four days, so I've been getting heavy withdrawal symptoms. Particularly frustrating, as we couldn't get any up to date travel info without the internet.

Knitting progress has been slow due to relatively little free time recently. However, I have cast on for DH's new jumper. It looks ridiculously large with a curly hem, but I'm hoping it will improve as I keep knitting.

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