Monday, January 03, 2011

2010 review

Another year has passed, and as usual my knitting goals greatly exceeded my knitting capacity! Still, let's take a look at how I did:

Ten for 2010

  1. steeking - no
  2. entrelac - no
  3. granny square afghan - yes, but still in progress
  4. line a bag - no
  5. top down raglan - no
  6. moebius - no
  7. knit with own dyed yarn - no
  8. more complex sock - no
  9. complex cable -dipped a toe in the water here, taking a short class with Alice
  10. Starmore
  11. slip stitch item - yes
  12. use of blocking wires - no
  13. cable twist stitches - yes, Elsica
  14. soft toy - either knit or crochet - yes, but still in progress
  15. cabling without a cable needle - yes Elsica
  16. inserting a zip into a knitted item - no
  17. kidsilk haze project - no
  18. brioche stitch - no

So if we count the WIPs, I managed five. Not great, but five more techniques than I had tried this time last year. I'm still interested in most of the list, so although it won't be a formal challenge this year, I'm going to try and hit a few more.

And the 100 balls challenge?

BSJ - 3 balls
hat for brother - 3 balls
brother's hat Dec 10
lightweight autumn scarf - 2 balls
calorimetry - 1 ball
charity hats - 7 balls
boy beanie #1 green mohair lid #1
turquoise flecked lovely lid
charity neckwarmer - 2 balls
green mohair cowl
ruffle scarves - 2 balls
pink ruffles
weekender beret - 1 ball
green lovely lid - 1 ball
scallop - not sure, say 10

Hmm, only 32 balls - yet again, good progress with small projects, but not with sweaters. The one project I was really happy to finish was the scallop sweater for my sister. She was very pleased with it, and looks great in it. I'm also happy that I did some charity knitting this year and got more crochet practise.

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